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Reverse Your Talent Pipeline with Character Based Capitalism

We’ve heard it before and it’s very clear now that the employment market in the United States is evolving.  I could go on and on about the triggers (skill evolution, pandemic ramifications, technology and industry evolution to name a few), but let’s not focus today on the WHY.  What we all want to know is WHAT we are going to do about it.

Reverse Your Talent PipelineReverse your pipeline.  Reverse?  Yes, reverse.  You’ve crafted your job description, some of you are even operating according to your core values, and you’re ready to expand your team.  Instead of filling your interview schedule with all the top widget wielders (read: highly skilled candidates very competent to meet your job requirements), I challenge you to flip the script. Reverse your pipeline. Focus FIRST on finding and attracting people who are aligned with your values, habits, and attitudes.  From that group of people, THEN you can screen for the top skill set within those culture matched candidates.

As a society, and even more so in the emerging generations of employees and consultants, alignment with goals and values is rising as a factor in success, both short and long term. This evolution is impactful for your bottom line in that it translates to measurable dollar results in key areas such as turnover, tenure, high performing culture, and employee engagement.  It is more important to fill your interview schedule and team with humans who are aligned with your goals and purpose than it is to have the top rated widget wielder. 

What does this mean and how do you do it? Character Based Capitalism*. Select candidates for your talent pool that are aligned with the company values and culture (if you don’t have company values, we can help).  Once you have a pool of candidates that understand your company and contribute to the high performing culture of your team, you can align and develop the skillsets need to boost your goals.  Identifying humans with the same values, habits, and attitudes as your company and star performers will not only propel you toward your goals, it will help you enjoy the ride with people who choose to be there.

Want to learn more? Check out our webinars with Dr. Raymond Benedetto and Nicole Martin to hear more about how to develop your talent pipeline to succeed in today’s employment market.

* A Character-based Capitalism (CBC) culture combines the entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism with character, which fosters collaboration and teamwork that drive innovation, productivity, agility, and resilience. Employees with a capitalist mindset are motivated and empowered to think and act like owners. A CBC culture increases profits by doing what is right for all stakeholders. (Business Insider, Nicole Martin)

Author: Katherine Mathew, HR Support Specialists for HRBOOST®