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Join The Chair of Joy Movement

You have the power to create what you want in your life. No money-chasing, addiction, or escape; only you and your thoughts.  You get to discover that the joy you’re seeking outside of yourself, in actuality,  lives within you.

You have the ability to experience wealth however that shows up for you. You will embody the understanding of how joy is the LIFE EXPANSION tool you have been looking for.  This internal joy is where peace, hope, and contentment dwell.  You have continuous access to this space right now and all day, every day, not “one day,” but this day.

The Chair of Joy Movement

movement brings people together to form a collective identity with a shared goal or set of values.

We are creating change through sustained collective action that challenges social, political, and environmental injustice; change at the foundational level, of the everyday choices and actions that we make.

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Nicole Martin

Nicole Martin is an internationally renowned speaker, author, and CEO and Founder of HRBOOST®, LLC. Nicole is a dynamic and empowering consultative leader and futurist skilled in helping organizations meet their strategic objectives through their people.