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Time to review a few FACTS that MATTER. Engagement is only 20% of your pie if you plan to keep it.

By Nicole Martin, Chief Empowerment Officer 

Do you know what the leading factors are for High Performing Companies?


Engagement is a buzz word that people like to throw around but truly to tap into discretionary effort from talent amidst COVID-19, there are new opportunities to reveal what your business is all about. Clearly every business has been impacted, some are growing and putting demands on talent while others are scaling back and hoping talent will be retained despite cutbacks and months ahead. Regardless of which storyline your business has right now, the facts remain the same

Fact: A transcendent organizational purpose can bring meaning to why they are taking risks to be onsite, travel or otherwise leave home. There must be meaning and a why behind the call to duty. Without it, businesses risk their talent finding something else, somewhere else. 


Fact: People leave Companies easier than they leave relationships. If you have supervisors that do not value employee’s contributions or fail to appear to care, you are guaranteed to lose some key players. Make sure you are upping the resources and training for operational leaders and define what CARE means in your business!  In many situations, people leave when they lack a meaningful relationship. 


Fact: Communication is important now more than ever. Many companies are trending to share more data than in the past and this helps talent understand busines decisions, not matter what they are. People seek to apply their skills to something that matters. They seek to grow and be challenged. Do not be the leader than carries all the weight. Let the team see what is happening so they can pitch in. If there is not enough bench strength, its time to make some. 


Fact: The power of WE must be greater than I. Shared performance goals are a way to get everyone micro focused. Some people can only see 30 days out right now. Stress creates a myopic lens and for many the end is not in sight. Micro celebrations, milestones and success shares will help the team feel a sense of accomplishment. Something WE all need more of these days. 


Fact: Continuous Process Improvement is a real process that can be embraced and turned into an opportunity for every team right now. Sure, we did not ask for all this change, but we have it. What did we learn? What do people want to keep from now, what do they want to hang onto from before and what has become obsolete? Let the team co-creation for true collaboration. It doesn’t just mean we work together. It means we create together. Shared Leadership. 

Fact: Got Problems? No Problem! Invite the share of problems by creating resource groups, chat rooms or even lunch exchanges so that people can begin to feel less alone! This will be key in the coming months as we hunker down for cold seasons ahead and much less fresh air. The best have already done this and the cross sharing and solution solve people inherently solve for is brilliant. 

I worked in a Best and Brightest Company to Work For® through the last recession. I learned something that is priceless about people. It is not the perks that keep talent banded together in tough times. It is the people beside them. The people that feel they can affect the outcome of the situation. The people that they are excited to work with and learn from. Be the someone who makes someone feel special today and you are sure to have greater outcomes post Covid-19. 

At HRBOOST®, we are providing support onsite at clients that are up and running and if virtual is your speed these days, we can do that too! You name it, we believe in Strategic HR Day One Employee One!