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Illuminate Business Summit Session on EQ Recap

Illuminate Business SummitBy: Sandy Moran, HR Business Partner  

In the recent month, I attended the Illuminate Business Summit. A national virtual conference that recognized several regions awards symposiums concurrently with rich content spanning a week.  I wanted to recap some relevant takeaways from the session on Leading Powerfully Through Emotional Intelligence. This was presented by Lauren Weinstein of Resonate Coaching. Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and our relationships. It can be the difference between the best and the rest. As Nicole Martin always tells us at HRBOOST®, we can forever grow and learn in our Emotional Intelligence.  By communicating more effectively, you will improve outcomes, strengthen relationships, and increase productivity and efficiency on your teams.

Lauren presents some tips on how to apply Emotional Intelligence in your conversations with her acronym she coins the ACT.

Acknowledge what you are feeling through self-awareness and self-regulation. It is important for leaders to know their own feelings first. When we gain self-awareness, we learn to observe our emotions and not just react to them. An increase in awareness of emotional response impacts the ways in which you communicate verbally and non-verbally and you are better able to moderate how you respond in a variety of situations

Communication and the ability to interpret verbal and nonverbal cues of others is key to social awareness. Take the time to observe others and determine what they feel, what they need, and what they would be willing to do.

Translate what you observe in others. Use empathy and mirror last or critical 3 words. Repeat using it sounds like you are saying. You need name it to tame it.  What is the other person feeling or meaning?

It can take 5 positive comments to balance one criticism. By acknowledging our feelings, we can improve our communication skills. By taking the time to understand others we can gain a better understanding their needs and feelings. Using empathy and mirroring we can better understand what they mean. By using these ACT techniques, we can better show our appreciation and improve our team’s belief in themselves. This can propel any organization forward.

Psychologist William James said,

“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”