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 Alicia Wilson
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Work-Life Balance 
What is the true definition of Work-Life Balance with all of the technology we have such as iPhones and email access from home?
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 Nicole Martin
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Re: Work-Life Balance
Modified By Nicole Martin  on 3/17/2011 5:15:32 PM)
Today’s business environment has a true opportunity to engage the workforce 24/7 and while it may seem like a never-ending work commitment, it is the flexibility (i.e. no commute, time for family) and acceptance for diversity that allows for higher potential engagement levels that in turn benefits employers. For example, some of us have great ideas in the middle of the night, right? Others, prefer to not be LinkedIn. Furthermore, there are individuals with family responsibilities vs. single employees in a work environment and the fact that someone is “connected virtually” 24/7 should not be a measure of their “commitment” given the diversity present.

Balance is unique to the desires of each individual. Virtual forums have a real benefit for engaging talent while allowing greater flexibility to achieve Work-Life Balance. Noting there are limitations is important. At the end of the day, technology can only go so far in developing strong relationships built on trust. Thus, technology can engage the community, allowing for greater balance and information sharing but it cannot replace the foundations of face to face communications. Which brings us back to the operative word…”balance”. To define it, I would say both the sender and receiver need to respect implied boundaries that are necessary for personal respect and respect of others.


  1. Andrew James Hymes on September 8, 2011 at 10:16 am

    I agree that the concept of work/life balance is changing. Personally I am more willing to (and indeed insist on) being connected to the office. In a world of global operations, instantaneous e-mails and messaging, and the ability to host virtual web meetings, it is critical that one stay on top of rapidly developing situations.

    However, that connectivity does not mean that you can’t have down time and a personal life. It simply means that managing that time has changed. Whereas a generation ago people sought out 2 weeks uninterrupted vacation (and the pace of business was much more accommodating of such periodic detachment) now people are more inclined to seek out remote work (tele commuting etc), flexible work hours, and other options. This allows people more time with family as well as the ability to travel, and yet stay connected.

    All that being said, there is a real danger in letting the 24/7 work week create burnout. People don’t realize that being able to be accessible at any time does not mean they have to be accessible ALL of the time. Limits need to be set and boundaries adhered to if you want to be truly successful.